Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ranked Game #24

I was feeling good from my last game and I had some free time, so I decided to play another ranked game right afterwards. Unfortunately, it didn't turn out so good. I probably made a mistake in my champion selection, which I regretted immediately after making it. This was a solo queue game.

I had the last pick for my team, and we had second ban:

Amumu, Nocturne, Zilean, Malphite


Evelynn, Rammus
Trundle, Leblanc
Teemo, Mordekaiser
Twisted Fate, Urgot

I should not have picked Urgot. I should have picked someone bulkier, someone like Jarvan or Maokai. However, I just kind of made a pick on a whim and didn't really think about it like I should have. As a result, our team was pretty disappointing. Three super-squishy champs and a mediocre jungler (Trundle) doesn't make a good team. Having Shen was nice, but that was the only real strong point. Their team on the other hand, was pretty daunting. Huge map control with Teemo, death from out of nowhere with Evelynn's stealth and Ashe's giant arrow, and the ever annoying Rammus with his powerballing-taunting goodness. It appeared that we were overmatched from the loading screen.

Lane Matchups
Top: Urgot vs Mordekaiser
Middle: Twisted Fate vs Ashe
Bottom: Leblanc, Shen vs Evelynn, Teemo
Jungle: Trundle vs Rammus

Early Game
The amount of talking before minions even spawned was troubling. There was a lot of trashing each other and arguing; it just didn't bode well for the game to come. First blood didn't happen for a while, when Rammus and Trundle decided to go to the bottom lane at the same time. A small fight ended up happening under our tower, and Trundle was Rammus' first victim. The lane itself did ok, Leblanc died a couple times, but Shen stayed alive. They didn't get any kills though. Twisted Fate did pretty bad in the middle, he fell victim to Ashe a few times without getting any kills in return. A couple of his deaths were aided by ganks from Rammus and Evelynn. I feel I did fine against Mordekaiser, though I couldn't ever push the lane at all. I died once when Evelynn came to gank me. The jungling difference was huge, as Rammus ganked all the time, and Trundle ganked pretty much never, allowing them to push however much they wanted. Twisted Fate and I switched lanes at one point, which left me exposed to even more ganks and thus, more deaths. Our middle tower was the first to fall when no one covered it after I died one time.

Mid Game
This game was pretty horrible for us, there weren't too many, if any, strong points. When the first tower fell, we lost all semblance of laning and coordination, and just kind of wandered around wherever we felt like. As a result, there was always one of our towers that was under attack by minions or a champion, leading to their gradual destruction. I feel like Twisted Fate was trolling the entire time, as he would get caught in really stupid situations, and he also built a Sword of the Occult. It seemed like he wasn't trying at all. Anyway, the event that lost us the game was when some of our team decided to go challenge their Baron kill, but got caught with their pants down when the enemy initiated. They all got killed except for me, and so their team stormed into our base and started tearing down our towers. We ended up surrendering at 34 minutes.

Post game scoreboard:

What I learned:
- Junglers need to gank to be at all worthwhile, end of story
- Warding the key entry points into a lane via the jungle is crucial, especially when there is a Rammus in play
- Vision wards counter Evelynn hard, too bad we didn't buy any
- Cottontail Teemo is too damn cute
- Trolls are obnoxious...along with people who rip into others about quality of play when they aren't contributing much themselves

My Score: 2/6/4
My Build: Manamune, Mercury's Treads, Aegis of the Legion

Current ranked record: 13-11 (0 leaves)
ELO rating: 1292

It seems like every game that I have lost in the past couple weeks, we get absolutely destroyed and take out no towers. I never lose close games, just huge blowouts. It's pretty frustrating that it's always like that, I'd be happier if these were contested losses. Anyway, I bought Rumble and Taric today, so I'm giving them some run now. I would like to play Taric in my next ranked game, but obviously who I choose depends on the rest of my team. After the next game, I will do a summary like I did after my first ten games. If there's anything special you all would like to see in the summary, let me know. As always, thanks for reading!



  1. Rundle is shit too bad u bought him =( .

    Please stop judging how lanes were going on how many kills they got. If Sivir versus Urgot died once and got 100 CS while urgot is at 70~ Sivir just played supergood.

    If none of them died but Urgot has 80 cs and Sivir 70, she still played well because urgot is simply not an easy matchup for her.

    TL:DR U can't tell if someone won a lane or dit "pretty" good by the amount of kills they've gotten.

    Nice read tough and good luck for ur next matches :)

  2. Rumble * And Trundle is not a mediocre Jungle :< And Urgot is not squishie o_o, and don't close ur mind to 1 tank 1 support 1 dps 1 magic 1 tanky/dps jungle comps ..

    If u looked a bit at tournaments of EU ( in which server are you btw ? ) U will see that 2 carry's can work together on a same team if the other 3 are not too item reliant.

    The team you was facing wasn't made of bulkies .. Only Mordekaiser and Rammus :l

    Another thing , FARM MOAAARE. The jungler and SHEN (wtff !) Have like more or even Cs then you, the carry o__o

  3. Why did you go top against a morde as urgot. As urgot you should have gone mid and made laning hell for their ashe and won your lane while letting tf have a farm fest up top. Also getting cs wins matchs if you look you'll see that they had almost 200 cs on 3 people yet your team only had people around 100.

  4. Tbh not all junglers needa gank to asap to be 100% eefective; its all based off team comps imo

    For instance, if your team had rather weak lane countrol and owuld be pushed easily it is better to get a jungler that cank gank at level four or sooner like nunu, amumu, shaco ,ect

    On the other hand, if your team has a strong laning power you might want to choose a jungler that has strong jungle CONTROL meaning that they dont get counter jungled easily like warwick, udyr nunu

    Your should also look at the team comps of the other team some junglers look extreamly stong as a first pick but are simply too easily countered. Nunu? cc heavy team, Amumu can only start at blue to be 100% effective and udyr is kited easily. If the enemy team is cc heavy then olaf es #1 but dont expect any spectacular ganks it a bit difficult to get a solid gank off with him imo.

    p.s sry for the long post XD
