Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ranked Game #9

My ninth ranked game is now in the books. It was a hard fought battle with somewhat of a comeback involved. Though it was also aided by a couple of pretty bad players on the other team. This was a solo queue game.

This time I had the fourth pick on my team, with the other captain having first ban. Here they are:

Amumu, Rammus, Nocturne, Shen

And the draft:

Us: Urgot
Them: Dr. Mundo, Malzahar
Us: Malphite, Sivir
Them: Xin Zhao, Teemo
Us: Taric, Fiddlesticks
Them: Master Yi

Fiddlesticks said that he would jungle, which made me a little nervous because he's slowly sliding into oblivion utility-wise. Urgot took mid and Malphite soloed top, so Sivir and I went bottom. I was excited about our team, as we were able to get Malphite and his sick nasty initiation, along with Urgot's Acid Hunter sniping. I also had hopes that their Master Yi would be bad and thus be easy gold for us. However, the fact that they had Teemo and Dr. Mundo was a little disheartening, as clearly Teemo's mushrooms are the most irritating thing in the game, and Mundo's health regen/movespeed steroid is up there on the list.

Early Game
Early game was tough for me, but that was probably because I was in the mindset of a caster instead of support, which obviously isn't good. We were able to get first blood in bottom lane though, when Xin tried to dive me with half health and failed. Malphite was steady up top against Dr. Mundo, with no real action happening for either side. Urgot dominated Malzahar in the middle, getting at least two kills on him while laning and giving up none. Fiddlesticks somehow died to golem, even with a leash, but it turned out ok in the end. Master Yi was their jungler, and he ganked pretty often. He liked to hang down by Sivir and I though, managing to kill each of us a couple times, and Malphite up top as well. Eventually they started grouping up, and took down all of our outer towers in quick succession, with top being the first to fall.

Mid Game
Things were looking pretty grim at this point, as we had no tower kills and a Master Yi steamrolling us. However, Urgot was on a nice run and had the gold to get a good offense/defense balance, which ended up being key. Their team mostly roamed as a pack, whittling down towers when opportunities presented themselves. The turning point in the game though was a long teamfight in the middle of their map near their tower. We caught Teemo out of position to start it off, and chased him into his own team, killing him in the process. When the enemy engaged, Urgot grabbed Xin Zhao with his ult and we killed him easily. There was then a lot of dancing around while flinging spells, but eventually we were able to kill Mundo and Malzahar. This allowed us to take down two middle towers, and the inhibitor tower halfway while they waited to respawn. This is when Master Yi started backdooring to try and take momentum back, but he was never able to kill an inhibitor.

Late Game
We had a good hold on the game at this point, which was helped by Xin and Teemo constantly going off alone, getting themselves picked off by three or four of us. This allowed us to win teamfights when they happened, as they were either completely away from the battle, or died right away. The enemy team showed a pretty good strategy when we tried pushing mid though, which gave them a tiny bit of hope. They would be off in their jungle whenever we pushed, and so then they would come up behind us and unload once we got into their base. It was successful once or twice, as they usually killed three or four of us. However, we eventually took out their inhibitor tower and inhibitor in separate pushes, securing the all-important super minions. The rest of the game was a bunch of base defense by them, and middle pushing by us, and we were able to kill their Nexus at 47 minutes.

Here is the post-game scoreboard:

Replay linkRanked Game #9 - Taric

What I learned:
- Saving stuns and knockups for Master Yi is key to shutting down a steamroll
- Tanky Urgot is pretty sweet (he killed Yi with his Thornmail), I'll definitely do that next time I play him
- Fiddlesticks still has some viability, positioning is crucial to doing well with him
- Comebacks are pretty dang satisfying, even when two of the other team's players are awful
- Playing support is fun, I would certainly own Taric if he cost less than 3150 IP

My Score: 4/8/21
My Build: Spirit Visage, Mercury Treads, Manamune, Frozen Heart

Current ranked record: 5-4 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: Unranked

So my next game will be my tenth, and I will finally get to know my ELO rating. I will probably do a little breakdown of my first ten games, like the champs that I saw, champs I used, my game stats, etc. I know most of this can be found in my summoner profile, but it's obviously more convenient for you guys to just read it here. Plus I kind of want to see the trends in who gets used and banned the most, stuff like that.

Thanks for reading, I'm glad that I'm getting a lot of comments on these posts with constructive criticism. I definitely read and take them all into consideration, so keep them coming!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Replay files uploaded

Hey guys, several people on various forums suggested that I should start recording my games and upload the replays. I have replays for two of my games, #6 with Singed and #7 with Urgot. The links to them are below, and the links have also been added to their respective posts. You will need the LOL Recorder software to view these replays, which can be downloaded for free here.

Replay links:
Game #6 - Singed
Game #7 - Urgot



Ranked Game #8

Hello everybody, I finally had the time/desire to play a ranked game tonight. It did not go very well and ended pretty quickly, my fastest game yet. I certainly thought that we would do better based on team composition. This was in solo queue.

I had the third pick for my team in this game, the other team had first ban. Here's how they went:

Nocturne, Shen, Rammus, Teemo

They strayed from the classic tank banning, but those are both valid choices in my mind. Here's the draft:

Us: Xin Zhao
Them: Shaco, Jarvan IV
Us: Ryze, Amumu
Them: Maokai, Twisted Fate
Us: Warwick, Ashe
Them: Annie

Now I don't have the runes to jungle with Amumu (or at least haven't tried in a while), so Warwick said he would jungle. Xin Zhao took top solo, Ashe took mid and so Ryze and I took bottom. At first glance, this looked like it would be an interesting jungle struggle, as two of the best in the game were going head to head (the other being Shaco). The amount of crowd control between the teams was essentially even, though they had two stuns while we had one, Ashe's ultimate. I thought our chances would be good though, given the steamrolling capability of Xin and Warwick. The amount of bulk between the teams was also pretty even, with us having a slight advantage. This would all turn out to mean nothing in the game though.

Early Game
After protecting Warwick at blue buff, we headed to our respective lanes. Ryze and I pushed pretty hard right away, keeping Maokai and Jarvan at their tower for a while. At one point, Jarvan came out of the shadow of the tower to engage us, resulting in himself getting killed for First Blood, and me dying to Maokai immediately after. Ashe fended off Twisted Fate pretty well in mid, with no kills happening between the two. Xin was at a disadvantage against Annie due to her large range and stun capability, and it showed in the head to head as she was able to kill him twice while laning. Warwick didn't do too much from the jungle, but Shaco got involved a bit. There was one fight where Shaco had come to try and gank bottom at half health, and we ended up chasing him into the river. Ryze was able to kill him, but Maokai and Jarvan followed from bottom, and Twisted Fate and Ashe joined in as well. This resulted in Twisted Fate dying, but Ryze and I fell as well.

Mid Game
Laning broke down when our bottom tower and top tower were taken out in quick succession. Warwick also disconnected for about ten minutes at this point, which mostly crippled us. There weren't too many teamfights as it was quite a short game, but a few happened near our wraiths and in the middle of the map. Annie and Twisted Fate were pretty much dominating us at this point, though we were at least able to kill him a few times. The only highlights here for us were catching Shaco being an idiot and having us all chase him down and kill him. All the teamfights consisted mainly of a stun from Annie, a root from Maokai and large amounts of damage from Twisted Fate and Jarvan. We didn't really stand a chance, so we surrendered at 25 minutes.

Here is the post game scoreboard:

What I learned:
- Xin Zhao cannot solo a ranged carry, he does not have the damage dealing capability to pull it off
- Annie is a monster when she gets kills, that bear is just sick nasty when its used as her stun
- Jarvan's ult combined with Tibbers/stun is a great combo, that will kill pretty much anyone in seconds
- Maokai's snare is better than I thought, I'll have to give him some run in the next few days
- ELO hell is real, lol

My Score: 3/5/7
My Build: Philosopher's Stone, Mercury's Treads, Heart of Gold, Aegis of the Legion

Current ranked record: 4 - 4 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: Unranked

This is now a three game losing streak for me, so hopefully I can get out of it in my next game by queuing with a friend. As always, thanks for reading, and comments/suggestions are appreciated!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No game today

Sorry guys, I didn't have time to play a ranked game today, I have a lab report due tomorrow that I have neglected. That and lag is running rampant on the servers. I most definitely will play one tomorrow though.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fun Co-op vs. AI game

This isn't a ranked game, just a fun Co-op vs AI game I just finished. We only had one death total, this game mode is so much fun
