Sunday, March 27, 2011

Summary of My First Ten Ranked Games

Hey guys, I thought that people would find a little summary of my first ten ranked games interesting to read, to get an overall picture of the types of champions I have had to face and work with, along with some stats from my play.

Summary of Games
Game 1: Win as Urgot (30 minutes)
Game 2: Loss as Urgot (1 hour)
Game 3: Win as Singed (46 minutes)
Game 4: Win as Amumu (30 minutes)
Game 5: Win as Urgot (42 minutes)
Game 6: Loss as Singed (38 minutes)
Game 7: Loss as Urgot (48 minutes)
Game 8: Loss as Amumu (25 minutes)
Game 9: Win as Taric (47 minutes)
Game 10: Loss as Urgot (24 minutes)

An even 5-5 record, resulting in an ELO of 1176.

Champions Banned
10 times - Rammus
7 times - Shen
6 times - Amumu, Malphite
2 times - Vladimir, Nocturne
1 time - Master Yi, Evelynn, Pantheon, Maokai, Karthus, Teemo

Rammus was banned in every game I have played so far...though I question how many people can actually play him well. The one time I tried him I fed hardcore, but his playstyle seems to be a little different than the other top tanks.

Champions Seen (including myself)
6 times - Urgot
5 times - Ashe
4 times - Singed, Amumu, Nidalee
3 times - Kennen, Nasus, Teemo, Alistar, Irelia, Cho'Gath, Annie, Dr. Mundo, Twisted Fate, Warwick, Xin Zhao
2 times - Jax, Maokai, Sivir, Mordekaiser, Garen, Malzahar, Shaco, Akali, Katarina, Nocturne, Fiddlesticks
1 time - Vladimir, Janna, Renekton, Shen, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Ezreal, Tristana, Lux, Udyr, Blitzcrank, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, Kassadin, Gangplank, Leblanc, Pantheon, Ryze, Jarvan IV, Taric, Malphite, Master Yi

Obviously the Urgot number was skewed by me, but I was kind of surprised at the Nidalee count, along with the fact that when Malphite and Shen weren't banned, they weren't always used like Amumu was.

Overall KDA
Ratio (kills+assists/deaths): 2.92:1

Other Random Stats
8 turret kills
933 minion kills
5 double kills
95,712 gold earned

If there are other stats you guys want to see, without having to go look at my summoner profile, let me know. I hope you all like this little summary, it was interesting seeing the most commonly used/banned champions. Thanks for reading, comments/suggestions are appreciated.



  1. I like reading up on each of the summaries, hope you continue to do it on a regular basis ^_^...

    One thing I thought you could differentiate is how you show the bans/picks. Maybe put your team in green and the other team in red.

    Anyways, keep up the good work!

  2. not sure how you have a nearly 3 to 1 KDA when you are 56/59. because if it's kills:deaths, your kills cannot be more than your deaths.


    maybe I'm derping with my math, but I'm prettyyyyy sure.....

  3. kills+assists/deaths

    thats how the game does it
