Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ranked Game #11

Hey guys, I played this game a couple days ago right after game number ten. However, I had other things to do that night and also didn't really want to have two game posts in the same day, so I put off the summary until now. This game was kind of out of spite to the last one, as that one just made me mad. I duo queued with my friend 534N7R0N.

I was the captain for my team, with second ban. I am going to try something new with the picks and bans here, making my team green and the other red. Here are the bans:

Nocturne, Shen, Rammus, Amumu

And the draft:

Teemo, Jax
Malphite, Poppy
Mordekaiser, Twisted Fate
Nunu, Irelia (my friend)

This team composition seemed questionable when the draft was through, seeing as we had all the bulk in the world, but limited damage output. Poppy seems to be kind of hit or miss, Nunu is only deadly when built straight AP, and Irelia usually can't be relied on to be the main source of damage. My friend (Irelia) took his typical jungling role, I took top solo, and Nunu took mid (never seen it before, he wanted it). That meant that Malphite and Poppy would take bottom lane, which seems like a decent combo at first thought. Malphite's skills can easily allow Poppy to get in position for her charge attack and drive the enemy out of position. Their ganking ability with Shaco and Twisted Fate had me worried a bit, but the rest of their team didn't seem like it'd be too tough to deal with.

Early Game
The action got started early in the middle lane with Nunu against Teemo, as Shaco attempted to gank at level 2. However, Nunu was able to get to his tower, just in time for Irelia to swoop in and grab First Blood on Teemo. Nunu then chased Shaco back to his mid tower and managed to kill him with an Ice Ball before he got away. He got a few kills on Teemo, and died a few times when Shaco came to help. I was pitted against Mordekaiser in the top lane, with him having the advantage most of the time. He would whittle my health down whenever he could, and eventually spring Children of the Grave on me for the kill. He killed me a couple times, but I wasn't able to do the same to him. The bottom lane had a lot of action, as kills were traded back and forth several times throughout the laning phase. Twisted Fate and Jax also tended to overextend at low health, making it easy for Irelia to come in for the gank. We were ahead in kills for the entire game, but our top tower was the first to fall after I died to Children of the Grave a second time. This is where the laning phase ended and a lot of roaming began.

Mid Game
There were a lot of little teamfights at this stage of the game, no full 5 on 5 ones quite yet though. Twisted Fate and Shaco consistently put themselves in bad situations that would net them a kill, but cost them their own lives shortly after. The momentum seemed to be going in their favor when we lost a teamfight at our middle tower and quickly lost it, along with half of the inner tower, but we were able to chase them down and get them to retreat upon reviving. Jax and Twisted Fate also happened to be going after our bottom tower at the time, which they succeeded in taking out, but we caught them, killed them, and took down their tower as well. There was one teamfight in the middle of the map that was foolishly initiated by Teemo, but ended up in 3 deaths for their team and momentum for ours. The sequence that won us the game started with us catching Mordekaiser way out of position at our top inner tower, and then taking Baron in a kind of spur of the moment move. Jax disconnected right afterwards, with them surrendering soon after we destroyed their middle tower. They surrendered at 30 minutes.

Here is the post game scoreboard:

What I learned:
- Mordekaiser is annoying as hell, I don't know how to play against him, especially solo
- Nunu can handle mid just fine, contrary to what I once believed. His Ice Ball is on a short enough cooldown to make it work
- Malphite needs to use his ultimate to be the most effective, which this one did not do at all
- I'm learning the situations when grabbing Baron is ideal...in this case it was that they only had 3 up, when we had all five
- Disconnectors are annoying, the win feels a bit tainted because of that

My Score: 6/4/9
My Build: Rod of Ages, Boots of Swiftness, Negatron Cloak, Regrowth Pendant (X2)

Current ranked record: 6-5 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1213

Well there you have it, hope you enjoyed the read. I probably will play again tomorrow night, as all of my homework will be out of the way then. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


1 comment:

  1. Just as a quick note:
    Mord fails early game to constant harassment. Malphite could have done a lot better vs. Mord.

    If you can keep his shield down and just smack him a few times when he's out of hit, you'll be surprised to see how effective it is. Being Singed versus Mord was probably extremely hard. Limited harassment, easily harassed, etc.
