Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ranked Game #10

Howdy all, I played my tenth ranked game just a little while ago. It was a rather frustrating loss, and a very quick one at that. I queued with my friend 534N7R0N for this one.

I was captain of my team, with the other team having first ban:

Shen, Malphite, Rammus, Amumu

Heres how the draft went:

Us: Urgot
Them: Annie, Singed
Us: Alistar, Fiddlesticks
Them: Nidalee, Ashe
Us: Katarina, Irelia (my friend)
Them: Nocturne

After the draft I was a little concerned because we didn't really communicate much during it. Fiddlesticks and Katarina didn't say a word, and essentially insta-locked their champs. But we had a good balance of attack damage and magic damage, so I didn't think it would be too bad. Fiddlesticks locked in with Smite, so we figured he was jungling, leaving my friend to lane with Irelia. He definitely prefers jungling with her, but I trust him to do well in any role. He laned with Alistar bottom, while I took mid and Katarina took top solo. Their team worried me a bit, as the combo of Ashe's and Nocturne's ultimates can be ridiculous, usually meaning instant death for the target. Also, Annie's stun and Nidalee's heal are pretty irritating.

Early Game
The action got started early, as their team decided to try and gank Fiddlesticks at blue buff. I foolishly walked into the small bush closest to Baron, and into the enemy team. I managed to escape to my tower, but then made another mistake and went back in when they started harassing Katarina and Fiddle, getting myself killed for First Blood. Katarina went up against Singed in the top lane, with the pair trading a few kills back and forth. I drew Nidalee in middle lane, which ended up being a lot of harassment, though I managed to stay alive. Ashe had a nasty tendency to join in on the fun, which was annoying, but I managed to get a kill on Nidalee at my tower. Fiddlesticks contributed pretty much nothing in the laning phase, as he was underleveled and couldn't do much damage. The bottom lane had quite a bit of action though, especially when Nocturne decided to gank. The kills went both ways, but mostly we were at a disadvantage. They eventually took out our bottom tower, and laning broke down after that.

Mid Game
We were pretty much helpless at this point, with no pushing capability and pretty poor defenses. We couldn't even get one tower down, we took them down to half health at most. They continued to push our towers hard, taking out the other two outer ones pretty quickly. When we did get an opportunity to push, Ashe's giant arrow would come flying in for the stun, followed by Nocturne on his ult. Obviously this would shut down any chance of a push. It was just a poorly played game from the beginning, with getting myself into bad situations too often, and Alistar never participating in a teamfight. Fiddlesticks and Katarina pretty much had no damage dealing capability, while Irelia cannot succeed as a primary damage dealer (meaning after I died).
We ended up surrendering at 24 minutes.

Here is the post game scoreboard:

Replay link: Ranked Game #10 - Urgot

What I learned:
- There are so many good combinations with Nocturne's ultimate, he is nearly impossible to stop if all of your team's attention isn't on him
- I take back what I said last time, Fiddlesticks is one of the worst champions out there
- Not all Katarina's steamroll
- Nidalee is deceptively squishy, once again I will say that her heal and spear are super annoying in lane
- The best way to kill Urgot is when he overextends trying to use Acid Hunter, as his escape capability is poor

My Score: 2/6/2
My Build: Manamune, Mercury's Treads, Long Sword, Long Sword

Current ranked record: 5-5 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1176

So I have finally reached the 10 game mark, and can now see my ELO after every game (and also my peak, which apparently was 1320). I actually played my eleventh game directly after this one, as I wanted to redeem myself, but I won't post that until tomorrow sometime. The replay is up if you're really curious though. Anyway, I'm now going to write up a summary of my first ten games, with various stats and trends, stuff like that. If there's anything in particular you guys would like to see, let me know. As always, thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. Irelia is actually a ridiculous carry if she gets items. I just couldn't get farmed because the team was being dumb, and Irelia is very farm-dependent.
