Friday, April 29, 2011

Ranked Game #25

With no class again today, I played a ranked game this afternoon. It was a fantastic example of why I don't jungle, it was pathetic and I felt useless. This was a solo queue game.

I had the third pick for my team, and we had first ban:

Amumu, Nocturne, Shen, Rammus


Alistar, Renekton
Rumble, Zilean
Nunu, Anivia
Jarvan IV, Annie

I thought we had a pretty decent team here, Renekton is always nice to have with his pursuit ability and teamfight goodness, while Anivia has the potential to be devastating if she gets on a roll. I wish we had a different AD carry though...Kog'Maws seem to do well only on rare occasions. I wasn't really planning on jungling in this game (though I guess I  never am), but I took on the role out of necessity. Their composition was pretty good, even though it was pretty heavy in the AP department. Jarvan can tank, but then he tends to be ignorable in terms of damage, leaving Ashe as the only real AD champ on the team. I was also excited to see Rumble on their team

Lane Matchups
Top: Renekton vs Ashe
Middle: Kog'Maw vs Annie
Bottom: Alistar, Anivia vs Rumble, Zilean
Jungle: Nunu vs Jarvan IV

Early Game
The game got started with quite a bang when the other team went for a 5-man gank of me at my blue buff right away. Zilean had me scoped out with his Clairvoyance, and I foolishly went snooping around for them. They caught me and Annie ended up getting the kill for First Blood. Due to that, I had to start my jungling elsewhere, hampering me experience-wise for a while. I didn't get many ganking opportunities, as my team pushed just a bit too much in their lanes and so I died often when I tried. As for Jarvan, he ganked a lot with his flag-pull combo, racking up quite a few assists in the process. Top lane was an even match, no kills went back and forth and the lane never got pushed enough to matter in any direction. The middle lane ended up being a win for us, as Annie went down to the bottom lane to gank quite a few times, giving Kog'Maw openings to wear down the turret. He died a few times to her in the lane though. The first turret kill came in the bottom lane for our side, as Alistar and Anivia did pretty well. There weren't a lot of kills, but they made them count. The tower fell when a teamfight broke out in the middle, and a large minion wave dealt the final blows. Their middle turret was taken down soon afterwards.

Mid Game
While laning had mostly broken down at this point, pretty much everyone took a turn manning the top lane while the rest put down roaming offenses in the other lanes. The majority of the battles took place in the middle of the map and near dragon. By now I felt we were in pretty good shape. I mean, we were behind in the kill count, but we were ahead in towers and they couldn't seem to adequately defend them all at once. Our team laned pretty well, but unfortunately we did not discuss a strategy for teamfights, and it came back to bite us in the ass big time. We would never target the same champion, resulting in our quick deaths in the big cluster, and then getting kited by Ashe when we tried to run. One battle near dragon got us running far enough away that they were able to get their first tower kill in the middle. We were able to retaliate with a small offensive attack in the bottom lane to get their inner tower, but that was the last positive event for us in this game.

Late Game
The sequence that lost us the game started as a 4-man gank in the middle where we destroyed Zilean, but the rest of them ran away. We proceeded to go after their inner middle tower, when they came back at us and mauled us with no mercy (we were probably too focused on the turret to react). As a result, four of us died, and they were able to get a free Baron kill. We played defensively from here on out, as our loss was inevitable (though I was stubborn). They gradually wore down turrets from all sides with their superior firepower and made it to our base with only a casualty every once in a while. For their game winning push, they aced us in our last-ditch effort, and took out our Nexus at 48 minutes.

Post game scoreboard:

Replay link: Ranked Game #25 - Nunu

What I learned:
- I need to find a new jungler. I have plenty possible ones and have tried them out, but I need to buy armor runes to make it all the way
- Renekton is pretty monstrous in teamfights with his ultimate, he turns into a whirling dervish of damage
- Ashe is so good at kiting, it's absolutely ridiculous
- Philosopher's stones on a caster with no health? Very dumb idea
- Zilean is very good with his saves, I don't know why he isn't played more often

My Score: 0/8/5
My Build: Mercury's Treads, Doran's Ring, Aegis of the Legion, Abyssal Scepter

Current ranked record: 13-12 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1271

The 25 game overview will be coming soon. If there's anything specific you readers would like to see, let me know in the comment section below. Thanks for reading.



  1. 1) always have people scout for you in jungle or you will get ganked, in higher elo's people always try to lvl1 if they think can
    2) rammus shouldnt be banned because he only gets scary when he gets fed, and a lot of champions fall in that category, zil and renekton are better bans instead of him as far as ppl they picked
    3)when you maul one of them force a fight at baron, because they will most likely try to go after you. you dont have to do baron just bait them there to get them to 4v5
    4)kog'maws build is really bad :(

  2. 1)Yeah when the other side wards and u not is like automatic loss =/.

    2)The opposite team died 15 times, u were involved in 5 kills, that's 1/3th wtf o_o, that's really bad , even kogmaw with fail build contributed to 9 kills out of 15.

    3)You just learned that Ashe can kite ? That's like basics :/

    4)Jarvan no damage while building tank ? wtf ?

    5) Looooow CS , low assists, many deaths ~ It's normal that you feeled useless. You were not even in the game anymore :/

  3. That is a bad kog'maw build. A blood-boiled AD Kogmaw would have greatly improved the teams damage.

    Philosopher stones on casters (especially Lux) is pretty common. Although the catalyst items on Anivia are MORE common still.

    As for the nunu game. Most teams expect nunu to tank for the carries (especially the AD). In that game during group fights a good nunu would be bloodboiling kogmaw, and iceblasting anyone who tries to get near kogmaw. Aside from that and obvious things (like not dieing) just do the best you can.

    Don't worry too much about your team mates builds when you are having a bad game. You can't control them and they will probably only listen if you are doing well.

    I am looking forward to the 25 game overview!

  4. Just pointing out, but Jarvan can tank well and dish out a lot of damage, thus he is actually a common ban above like 1400 elo.

    Zilean is a common ban abut 1350 elo and above and is amazing to add to a team comp, he can literally change a game.
