Monday, April 25, 2011

No game tonight *UPDATED*

Hey guys, I didn't really have time to play a ranked game tonight. It will definitely come tomorrow, maybe two to give you all something to do during the server downtime on Tuesday. On an unrelated note, I'd really appreciate any feedback regarding the formatting and such of my game summaries. Like do you guys like what I write about? Are there certain things that you would like to see mentioned that I don't talk about? Any general questions regarding my thought process or playstyle? Don't be shy, I want to know what you all think.

EDIT: So I did end up playing two games tonight, the first was a pretty exciting win, while the other was another depressing loss. I will do the write-ups first thing tomorrow, hopefully I'll get them done by the time the servers are back up, as I need to get some action in with Rumble.

On an unrelated note, here's a drawing of Singed surfing that I did for a few Riot Points



  1. I have enjoyed reading "Climbing Mount ELO." I began playing ranked games around the same time so it has been intersting to see the similarities and differences in matches.
    I haven't watched the replays but the game phase sections are easy to read.

    Just keeping a running log can really improve your level of play over time. Be sure to read through your old posts if you ever have trouble.

  2. Really like your blog, nothing wrong with the formatting.

    What would be kinda cool is this: talk about some exact times in your post. That way you can easily refer to certain timepoints in your game so we can easily see when something went wrong/right. Also it would be really neat if you could fraps and upload your plays so it is easier to watch (that and I don't like lol-replay ;p) but I understand if it is too much effort.

    Anyway keep these comming really enjoy them.

  3. I've thought about rerecording the replays in fraps, but it would be time consuming, and I feel LoLReplay is better as you have control over the camera and can watch what you want to, instead of what I choose. That way people who want to see gameplay of a certain champion can watch them exclusively, compared to whenever I decide to put them on screen.

  4. I also really like what you're doing with the game summaries. One thing I would enjoy reading is your thoughts on the meta-game at your ELO and how it is different from the higher-ranked meta-game and such. I'm not sure if that's an area you could really expand on, but it would be a nice read.

    On another note, I just finished my 10th ranked game (went 6-4) and my ELO is 1294, so we may play each other someday!

  5. You can get RiotPoints for fan art? I managed to end up with 259 RP and 260 is the magic number for purchasing a skin. Even a single rp for a drawing would be nice.

  6. submit a support ticket asking for the point and see what happens
