Friday, March 11, 2011

Ranked Game #4

Howdy, I played another ranked game today on a whim. The game ended up going pretty well, it was a good, solid victory. Our team worked together pretty well and our jungler was fantastic, especially in the early game. This was the first game that had a jungler on each team, so I finally got to experience what I expect in a ranked game. There were also no leavers, disconnectors or trolls, which was good. In this game I duo queued  with a fan of the blog who friended me a few days ago. I had never played with him before, but he has around 500 wins so I was pretty sure he knew what he was doing.

Once again, I was the captain of my team, but I had second (and third) bans this time. The bans were:

Malphite, Rammus, Shen, Vladimir

Having first pick, the draft went like this, with my pick italicized:

Us: Amumu
Them: Garen, Mordekaiser
Us: Ashe, Dr. Mundo
Them: Twisted Fate, Lux
Us: Shaco, Akali (my queuing friend)
Them: Udyr

Now I don't have the runes to effectively jungle with Amumu, so that was left to Shaco. As our only ranged champ, Ashe took mid, and Akali volunteered to solo top. That meant that we would have a tanky lane bottom with me and Dr. Mundo. I was a little concerned about our lack of ranged attackers, but we also had great initiation with my Bandage Toss, Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow and Shaco's Deceive. The latter's stealth also makes him a fantastic ganker, which helps dominate the laning phase. The loading screen showed that Udyr was packing Smite, so I would finally get to experience a ranked game with a jungler on each side.

Early Game
After protecting Shaco at the golem buff, we all settled into our lanes. Akali was pitted against Garen, Ashe got Twisted Fate and Mundo and I had Mordekaiser and Lux. Nothing really happened until Shaco started ganking, which luckily was pretty early in the game. He got first blood on Mordekaiser when he and Lux overextended in our lane. We were also able to get the kill on Lux as she tried to escape. A few minutes later once they had both respawned, Shaco came back and ganked them both again, giving us a huge advantage in the lane. At this point, Twisted Fate was roaming and teleporting around the map, allowing Ashe to get the first tower kill in mid. Their bottom tower was taken out in a weird sequence where Udyr and Shaco came into the lane at the same time, and Ashe towerdove for a Lux kill.

Mid Game
This is when laning broke down entirely, and we began dominating the game. A crucial teamfight happened at dragon when Udyr was trying to take it by himself. Shaco sniffed it out and blinked in to steal it, killing Udyr in the process. The rest of each team soon followed in, where we were able to take out another three of their champs quickly. Many of the teamfights occurred in the middle of the map and in the jungle near the enemy red buff. Twisted Fate and Mordekaiser were always the first to fall in every struggle, and Lux would run away at the sight of us and just throw all her skills back. Garen was probably the most dangerous, as he built a bit of attack damage to give him quite a bit of killing power. He seemed to single me out in every teamgfight with DEMACIA!! (also known as Demacian Justice) and got the kill a few times. The turning point was a teamfight in the middle where i was able to catch Twisted Fate exposed near his team. After launching in, I popped my ult and the rest of my team swooped in and demolished their team. With this ace, we were able to take down the middle inner tower and also the inhibitor tower.

Late Game
At this point the game was pretty much in hand. They tended to initiate whenever they respawned, thus getting themselves killed quickly. Twisted fate was especially guilty of this, he would stun one, and then be met by the other four and their burst damage. We eventually took the inhibitor out and the super minions began pushing the Nexus turrets. Another teamfight occurred by their red buff where we caught their squishies too far away from their tanks that eventually resulted in an ace inside of their base. Without enemy champions to impede us, we were able to take down the two Nexus turrets and the Nexus with ease at the half hour mark.

The post game scoreboard is shown below:

What I learned:
- Garen can be pretty dangerous if he builds some attack damage, putting the 'DPS' in 'tanky DPS'
- Constantly flying around the map is not ideal for success with Twisted Fate, especially when soloing
- A good Shaco can be devastating, as he can gank well from the jungle at level 2, a feat not many junglers are capable of
- Mordekaiser needs tanky items to be worthwhile, straight AP gets him killed fast
- Banning Vlad is kind of silly, he's easily countered now that Sanguine Pool doesn't give a speed boost

My Score: 1/4/16
My Build: Philosopher's Stone, Mercury Treads, Aegis of the Legion, Force of Nature

Current Ranked Record: 3-1 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: Unranked

Playing with friends is really beneficial, so if you guys want to play with me, please friend me. I'm certainly open to it. My next game will probably be Sunday, but there is a possibility of tomorrow. As always, comments/suggestions are appreciated, and thanks for reading.


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