Monday, March 7, 2011

First Ranked Game (and win!)

Howdy, I just finished my first League of Legends ranked game. Now I've read a lot about ranked play and its seemingly plentiful feeders and trollers on various forums, which has placed my expectations of its playing population very low. Unfortunately this game pretty much hit that assumption square on the head, though thankfully it was not my team. This was in solo queue, I didn't any friends online to duo with. I ended up being the captain for my team and had first ban, so I consulted my team about bans. The bans were, in order:

Rammus, Master Yi, Evelynn, Pantheon

Now at this point I was a little confused, as they banned two easily countered champs. I obviously banned Rammus as he is the bane of everyone's existence, and then Pantheon by the suggestion of my team. In my opinion, he is one of the toughest champs to stop if he starts steamrolling so its justified.

They had first pick, so this is how the draft went, my pick is italicized:

Them: Ashe
Us: Urgot, Singed
Them: Kennen, Maokai
Us: Amumu, Vladimir
Them: Janna, Sivir
Us: Jax

Amumu decided that he was going to jungle and Vlad said he would mid, so I would take top. That left Jax and Singed in the bottom lane. When going into the loading screen and seeing their summoner spells, I was a little confused. They had no jungler, or at least no one with Smite, and Janna and Sivir had Rally and Teleport as their spells. I suppose this was a good precursor to the game that was forthcoming, in that it was kind of silly.

The game started out quite odd, as they sent three top (Ashe, Sivir and Janna) to kill me, but the latter two towerdived separately for some reason and gave me a double kill. After respawning, they headed mid with Ashe and made quick work of the outer turret there. The took out the bottom outer turret in this fashion as well. Personally, I felt a little panicked at this point, but I also had gold from them feeding quite a bit, so it was pretty easy to recover. I wouldn't say there was a real turning point in the game, I mean we did ace them 8 minutes into it, but it didn't really mean too much. 

Our team pretty much did whatever we wanted with them, the only time they really threatened was when there was a large minion push up top with Kennen and Janna helping. They got to our inhibitor turret but stopped there. The teamfights went largely in our favor, as they would always initiate with one squishy champ and get demolished. Amumu did a fantastic job with his Bandage Toss and Curse of the Mummy, nabbing us many kills in the process. Jax also did very well, he was talking half health with just his Jump attack. He also backdoored a lot of turrets while we were pushing mid, helping us end the game quickly. The game ended with a Nexus kill at about 30 minutes. The postgame scoreboard can be seen below.

What I learned:
- Ranked play has trolls, just like all the horror stories
- Jungle Amumu is fantastic, I can't wait to try him out
- Jax is a hard champ to stop when he's fed, harder than most I mean
- Overloading a lane at the word go can actually be effective, especially with the recent minion buff
- Having a jungler is important, as it allows three champs to be at a higher level than the rest instead of just one

My score: 11/4/12
My final build: Manamune, Brutalizer, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Banshee's Veil

Current Ranked record: 1-0 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: Unranked

I hope you guys enjoyed my first game post, if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments. 


1 comment:

  1. U have to learn to CS better and farm better. I'm guessing since ur newer player ur mechanics aren't that good still. I mean mine aren't neither, but I know i need to work on it. But you shoulda have had at least 100 cs as the carry.
