Saturday, March 5, 2011

Introductory Post - My Champs and basic builds

Hey guys, here's my first official blog post in Climbing Mt. ELO! This blog will document each of my ranked games from my very first one. Each game summary will include the post-game scoreboard screenshot, the bans and order of picks, along with my pre-game thoughts and post-game thoughts.

I just got the last bit of experience I needed to get to level 30 in League of Legends last night, but I will not be starting until I get some experience jungling in normal games. I'll probably be ready to go in a couple days (Monday at the latest). To provide somewhat of a picture of my playing style, I'll go over each of the champions I own and my thoughts about them. I like tanking and using ranged DPS champs. Oh, and I play on the U.S. server.

Amumu - He is definitely my favorite tank to play, I usually go all out tank with him as is the standard. Laning with him is fun because  his ultimate makes it easy to wrap up at least one kill, while also being incredibly bulky. His initiation is also one of the best in the game. I  need to learn to jungle with him, but I do not have the runes quite yet. Any IP I earn is going towards a rune page for him. I run 0/21/9 masteries.

Blitzcrank - Blitz is really fun if you're hitting on all of your grabs and get a good snowball started. I like to rush Sheen instead of Manamune, and then build tanky while focusing of cooldown reduction. The thing I like most about him is when playing him as a tank, he doesn't feel like one, because he still has effective killing power with only one offensive item (Sheen/Trinity Force). I go with 9/0/21 masteries.

Corki - I bought Corki on a whim with IP because I really wanted to play him, but he was never free. Of course, the week after I bought him, he was free. I would say that he's my backup AD champion behind Urgot. Unfortunately, I haven't completely grasped how to play/position him, so I do pretty mediocre with him. I usually build Manamune first, along with a Brutalizer and Black Cleaver. I use 21/0/9 masteries with Corki.

Heimerdinger - Heimer was the first champion that I mained early in my LoL days and holds my normal game kills record with 19. However, I rarely use him anymore, as he is just outclassed by too many champs to be successful. Placing turrets is easy, but aiming grenades is quite tricky and too easily avoidable. I usually go with an all out AP build, building Tear of the Goddess first and then either Zhonya's Hourglass or Rabadon's Deathcap. I use 9/0/21 masteries with him.

Jarvan IV - I bought him the day he was released and really enjoy playing him. He's also only one of two human champs that I own. His style is a little different that most of my other champs, as he is melee DPS while my other offensive champs tend to be ranged casters and DPS. His ultimate is probably one of my favorites, as it is one of the best traps out there. His passive is also fantastic for last hitting and early laning. I haven't quite figured out a build for him yet though. I run 21/0/9 masteries with him.

Maokai - I also bought him on release, along with the Charred skin. Like the community's general consensus, I think he's underwhelming. His laning phase is great, especially if you build some ability power, as it give great harassment. After that though, he has limited utility and is generally a non-threat. His root and knockback are pretty useful though. I tend to build Tear first, and then tanky with Warmog's and defensive items. I use 9/21/0 masteries.

Master Yi - He was a whim purchase since he was 450 IP. He got some run at lower levels, but I never use him anymore as he doesn't really fit my style of play.

Nunu - I just bought him so I would have a second jungler besides Amumu. I haven't tried him out yet.

Ryze - I really like new Ryze, though I haven't been able to get a good sense of positioning with him yet. I tend to get a lot of kills, but also die a lot in the process. Being able to use a spell multiple times in a 1 on 1 is just fantastic. I build mass amounts of mana on him to fuel his Q and W, first with Tear and eventually a Frozen Heart. I run 9/0/21 masteries with Ryze.

Teemo - Teemo is so much fun to play, having the map controlled with all his mushrooms is just fantastic. Plus he's versatile in that he can be built into any role. Tank Teemo is very satisfying as its not really expected, yet people will still attack him as if he's not a tank. My friends and I like to joke that he has a hidden passive, which is whenever an enemy sees Teemo, they must attack him. I also like to build him AP, with Malady and Nashor's Tooth. I use 0/21/9 masteries when tanking, and 9/0/21 when building AP.

Tristana - I have her from Riot's little Facebook dealio and have only played her in custom games. I don't really plan on ever using her unless I decide to try something new.

Zilean - He was the first champ I bought and used regularly. I like putting bombs on people and watching them try to run away from the damage, it's too funny. Also, baiting and Chronoshifting is a fantastic way to get the upper hand in a teamfight. I don't really play him much anymore, but when I do I build Tear, Rod of Ages and Frozen Heart much like Ryze. I use 9/0/21 masteries with him.

I'm sorry that this post was so long, but I felt splitting it up would have been unnecessary. Like I said earlier, once I learn to jungle with Nunu I will begin playing ranked games and post summaries here.
