Thursday, March 10, 2011

No ranked game tonight

Sorry guys, I didn't really feel like going solo again tonight, so I decided to hold off until Thursday so I can duo queue with a friend. I did end up playing (and dominating) a normal game with a fan of the blog though, which was pretty cool. I certainly don't mind you guys friend requesting me, as I don't have a large pool to pull from for ranked games, and I think it'd be nice to play with an arranged team once in a while. Just keep in mind that I am taking ranked seriously and am trying to win as many games as possible, so please don't troll me. I suppose the recent banhammering will deter that though.

On an unrelated note, I've been playing Singed a bit this week and been really enjoying it. He seems unkillable at times, which is hilarious when the other team tries to focus him. I'm considering saving my IP and forgoing completing my rune page to buy him, especially since he's only 1350 IP.

I'll post as soon as I can after my ranked game tomorrow, thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts.

    also, add me, I need more people who actually take ranked seriously (duo queue works in solo queue, in case you didn't know). my ign: soldier4God

    I've been lvl 30 for several months now and have been playing for about a year.
