Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ranked Game #18

I had lots of free time today, so I got around to playing my latest ranked game. I was able to pick one of my favorite champions, but the game went horribly. It was a very frustrating game that should have gone theory. I queued with my friend 534N7R0N for this one.

I was captain of my team, and had second ban:

Rammus, Nocturne, Shen, Malphite

Here's the draft:

Malzahar, Blitzcrank
Nunu, Kennen
Tryndamere, Dr. Mundo
Gangplank, Miss Fortune (534N7R0N)

This was certainly not my favorite team composition ever, but I suppose it wasn't too bad. Having three AOE ultimates was certainly a strong point, and could make for some fantastic teamfight destruction. I'm not really that big a fan of Gangplank, Miss Fortune or Kennen though, as they tend to be mediocre in most situations. Our Gangplank wanted to switch with me, but I refused, so he decided to random and that's who he ended up with. That kind of made me mad...but I lived with it. Nunu said he would jungle, Kennen took the top lane, Miss Fortune went mid and I went bottom with Gangplank. Their team worried me with the massive amount of bulk they had, along with the ability to pick people out of the crowd and absolutely destroy them. Their Tryndamere jungled, which I had never seen before.

Early Game
The laning phase was pretty slow, lasting almost half of the game. First blood didn't happen until about ten minutes in, where Malzahar was able to take out my friend with his ultimate. That matchup in the middle was pretty even with a couple kills going to each side. More action happened right after that, when Nunu ganked Blitzcrank and Galio in the bottom lane, with us being able to take out the former. That matchup was pretty even as well, though we never got at all close to their tower, most of the laning phase was fought on our half. Tryndamere ganked quite a few times, or at least tried to, but without much success. Kennen went against Dr. Mundo in the top lane, and just played harassment back and forth with their Q's for a while. The only kill occurred late in laning when Mundo tried to towerdive and was unsuccessful. After one small teamfight near dragon, where we ended up foolishly chasing them into our death, our middle tower was destroyed for the first tower kill. Our bottom one fell soon afterwards when I got caught too far out by Malzahar's ultimate and Blitzcrank's skill combo.

Mid Game
Here is where the laning finally ended, and we began to get demolished. Our teamfight strategy was pretty poor, which definitely lost us the game. We targeted Malzahar and Tryndamere first like we should have, but if/when they managed to escape, we wouldn't know what to do and everyone would start attacking a different champion. As a result, we lost most if not every teamfight in this game. The only time when we had some hope was when we forced a retreat from a teamfight, and went for one of their towers. Unfortunately, they had stationed Malzahar and Blitzcrank there, as a fantastic tower defending combo. We couldn't touch it, and had to retreat pretty quickly when Gangplank got killed. In the meantime, the rest of their team was storming our towers, with two of our inhibitor towers being taken down by the time we got back to base. To seal the deal, they Baroned and absolutely destroyed us when they ran into us on their way to our base. This triggered a surrender by us at the 39 minute mark.

Post game scoreboard:

Replay link: Ranked Game #18 - Amumu

What I learned: 
- Tryndamere isn't that great of a jungler...or this one was just bad
- Malzahar and Blitzcrank is a great combo, Rocket Grab into Power Fist into suppression is too good
- Disables need to be saved for channel ults like Galio's and Nunu's, as they are too good to be allowed to complete
- Nothing against my friend, but Miss Fortune doesn't have much utility outside of large damage output
- Galio's recent buffs were pretty nice for him

My Score: 2/5/6
My Build: Philosopher's Stone, Mercury's Treads, Aegis of the Legion, Force of Nature

Current ranked record: 10-8 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1293

Another day, another game without a tower kill by my team...hopefully this run of bad luck ends soon. I might try Corki in my next game, I'm getting more comfortable with his positioning and such. Janna is also a possibility, I'm trying to learn to play her this week. Hope you enjoyed the read, comments and suggestions are welcome.



  1. It looks like your team didn't exactly protect themselves from damage. Seeing that 4 of the champs are AP, a Negatron Cloak would have sufficed. Also, I keep noticing the lack of use for Quicksilver Sashes. It's one of the best items for its price, and could have easily shut down Malzahar and Galio's ultimates.

    I would say Trynd is an okay jungler, but it's really hard to gank with him. I played with a Trynd jungler earlier as Maokai, and failed to gank our lane (even getting killed on his first attempt).

  2. On paper on the contrary, the team was very strong, 5 aoe ults, lots of cc. The only problem was the fact that you laned as amumu. You should have let the Nunu lane and you jungle. jungle amumu is very strong.

    Tryndamere isnt really a bad jungler its just the fact that its highly luck based, relying on crits to clear the jungle and survive. If you get luckly with jungle trynd then he has the chance to absolutly wreck.

  3. Just want to say I've read all your post and enjoyed them very much; keep up the good work and good luck with your ranked matches.
