Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ranked Game #17

I apologize for how much time has gone by between games here, I've had a lot of things to do, along with the fact that I'm trying to cut down on the number of games I play. As fun as it is, I was making LoL too important in my daily life, but I think I've found a good medium for the time being. Anyway, this was a really frustrating game, a pretty bad loss with the blame spread out pretty evenly among my team. I duo queued with 534N7R0N.

I was the captain for my team, and had second ban:

Nocturne, Shen, Rammus, Amumu

Here's how the draft went:

Fiddlesticks, Warwick
Teemo, Renekton
Garen, Ashe
Blitzcrank, Cho'Gath (534N7R0N)

I liked our team going into this one. Other than the lack of a real AP carry, it looked pretty good on paper. We had a fantastic potential combo with my ult and Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab to really screw over an enemy by moving them way into our territory. Having a good self-sustaining jungler (Cho'Gath) was also a plus. We felt pretty confident going in, seeing as they didn't really have a true tank. Nidalee is pretty annoying, but also helped compose an overall squishy team with the likes of Fiddlesticks and Ashe. As for lane assignments, Renekton went top, I took mid, and Teemo went bottom with Blitzcrank. Cho'Gath jungled for us, and Warwick did the same for the enemy team.

Early Game
We made a kind of silly decision at the start to try and gank Warwick at his blue buff starting point. One of us ended up walking in a Nidalee trap and gave our position away, so they were ready for us. None of us died, or got hurt really, but those of us who went were at an early disadvantage due to the lost experience from not being in lane. Cho'Gath was especially hurt, as he needed extra help to be able to start his own jungling at blue. Renekton was able to get First Blood pretty quickly in the top lane, and had a kill advantage on him during the laning phase, though neither tower got pushed too much. I went up against Ashe in middle, and neither of us had room to get the killing shot on the other. Warwick came to gank me a couple times and did very well at it, giving them the advantage. The bottom lane was pretty eventful, kills were traded back and forth a few times, and that is where most of Cho'Gath's ganks were attempted, though not too successfully. A couple crucial teamfights happened near dragon, usually getting 3 or 4 of us killed opposed to like 2 of them. We made the mistake several times of trying to take Warwick on 1v1, where he clearly has the advantage against a team without any grievous wound capability.

Mid Game
The laning phase lasted a long time in this game, the first tower didn't fall until about the 20 minute mark, right after the second dragon fight. They took out our bottom outer tower at the same time as when I was trying to defend the middle one from Ashe. She unfortunately was able to take it out easily, right about when the rest of her team showed up and plowed on through the next tower in line. This was about the time when we had almost  no chance to win unless we were to somehow ace them in a teamfight. We sealed our fate by foolishly engaging in a teamfight where we were at a clear disadvantage but didn't retreat, and traded a Warwick kill for 3 of our lives. Backed up inside of our base, Blitzcrank tried pulling them in and ended up getting Ashe. Somehow we managed to not kill her, and instead got aced inside our base with all the towers standing when her team came to save her. After a bit more attempted turtling, we surrendered at 35 minutes. I did manage to pull Nidalee in for a fountain kill right before though, which was kind of funny.

Post game scoreboard:

Replay link: Ranked Game #17 -

What I learned:
- I need to relearn Urgot, my game with him has fallen off a cliff lately
- Warwick should never be taken on alone unless you have huge burst damage
- Garen can be an effective primary tank if the rest of your team buys a little bulk as well
- Keeping fights at your tower is crucial when you are clearly overmatched, they make an enormous difference
- Pushing towers is how you win games and gain momentum...we barely touched them

My Score: 5/8/4
My Build: Manamune, Mercury's Treads, The Brutalizer, Randuin's Omen

Current ranked record: 10-7 (0 leaves)
ELO rating: 1319

That was just a bad game all around, hopefully I can string together a few wins this week and break 1400. The next game will come within the next two days. Thanks for reading, please comment if you have any suggestions on my general strategy (if you watch the replays), build, or on my blog in general.


1 comment:

  1. Another think--Blitz, Teemo, and Renek were refusing to say if they could play other champs. This forced us to have a bad team comp due to the lack of a true AP carry, and the fact that I felt we needed a jungler. In retrospect, I should have been Anivia.
