Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ranked Game #16

I played another game on a whim tonight, since my friend asked me to. The other team ended up being pretty bad, and we got carried hard. The game got drawn out for a while though when the enemy team stopped pushing, even when we were running. This was a duo queue game with 534N7R0N. This summary is going to be a little shorter because I don't really feel like writing at the moment, plus it was a pretty easy game.

I was the captain of my team, with first ban:

Nocturne, Rammus, Malphite, Shen

The draft:

Teemo, Jax
Nunu, Nidalee
Leblanc, Nasus
Ashe, Akali

Pre-game thoughts
I liked our team composition, though playing with a Jax always worries me, as its usually feast or famine with them. Our backdooring capability was fantastic should the situation have arisen, with Nasus' Siphoning Strike and Jax's Relentless Assault. Also, having two of the games best steamrollers in  Jax and Leblanc is fantastic, along with the map control of Teemo. Irelia (my friend) jungled, I went bottom with Jax, Leblanc went mid and Nasus went top. They had a pretty balanced team as well, having two of the best kiters (Ashe and Nunu) out there promised to be tough to deal with. Having Amumu was also troubling, especially combined with Nunu. Akali appeared to be jungling, as she locked in with Smite, but Nunu ended up filling that role for them.

Early Game
Laning was fun, seeing as I actually won my lane for once, even though I had very little to do with it. Jax and I went again Akali and Amumu, and Jax absolutely dominated. We First Blooded Akali very quickly near her tower, and proceeded to kill her and Amumu several times before the laning phase ended. Leblanc went against Ashe, who was probably one of the best I've seen, she was very aggressive and gave little ground, spaced very well. Ashe got one kill on Leblanc on a Nunu gank, and that was it (I think). Nasus laned against Nidalee, who became the target of ganks from Irelia due to her constant overextending. Nunu ganked often and everywhere, getting me once or twice. The first tower to fall was their bottom one after a Jax double kill (he was fed, hard).

Mid Game
Here is where laning ended, and all of the action shifted to the middle lane. Top and bottom were essentially ignored except to clear minion waves threatening towers for a long time. There was a pretty funny sequence when Jax decided to go kind of backdoor the bottom lane, where he got a quadra kill from the other team coming at him one at a time, and then killed the tower while he was at it. This allowed us to take out their outer middle tower, and the inner one came down a few minutes after that. Their strategy at this point was pretty poor, they would initiate one at a time and get themselves killed in seconds. At this point they were all raging because of Jax's domination, which was pretty comical.

Late Game
The game began to drag on at this point, as we were on their doorstep, but unable to do anything. They would just sit at their tower, throw their spells, and run away if we moved at them. We took Baron to get even more of an upper hand, but it still didn't do much. At this point Jax had us all go top to kill towers and distract them, while he backdoored bottom some more. He was able to destroy an inhibitor, forcing them to play defense more. They were pretty good at locking down their base besides that, it was the only chance they had to make even a little comeback. It never came to fruition for them though, as eventually they wandered far enough out of the base for us to gank them, enabling a quick sweep of the base and finishing with a Nexus kill at 47 minutes.

Post game scoreboard:

What I learned:
- Wriggle's seems to be a better first item than Philosoper's Stone for Teemo in my first trial with it, the lifesteal is great when you're attacking more than once per second. That does leave me mana starved though
- Jax is truly a game changing champion when he gets a few early kills, Leap scales ridiculously well
- I never thought that a fragile champ like Ashe could be so annoying at the same time. Knowing the enemy's range instantly gives you a huge advantage in a 1v1
- Having Amumu is not an automatic win

My Score: 3/5/14
My Build: Wriggle's Lantern, Bezerker's Greaves, Malady, Nashor's Tooth, Madred's Bloodrazor, Negatron Cloak

Current ranked record: 10 - 6 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1344

Eh, I guess the summary ended up being about the same length as usual. Being carried is fun, but going up against an airtight defense like that is not. Also I feel like my friend needs to play someone else when he queues with me next time, as I'm sure you guys love seeing Irelia in every other game. My next ranked game will be sometime this weekend. Thanks for reading.



  1. I'll play Irelia all I want, bucko. Although that game I didn't do too hot due to my 200+ latency all game long.

    I guess I can be Udyr next time...

  2. Shoot I also forgot to note that their Akali claimed that she was supposed to switch with Amumu but got stuck in her masteries screen during champ selection. So that kind of explains why they fed Jax so much early-game, since you laned against both of them. The Akali had probably been planning to jungle as Amumu

  3. I'm just poking fun, I mean I have been either Singed or Urgot more than half the time
