Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ranked Game #14

Hey guys, sorry this is so late. I just wrapped up my 14th ranked game. It was a bad game for me, especially early on, but I was able to recover and we ended up steamrolling them a bit. I went alone again for this one.

I had the second pick on my team, with us having the first ban:

Rammus, Nocturne, Amumu, Shen

Here's the draft:

Zilean, Singed
Cho'Gath, Sion
Warwick, Karthus
Corki, Irelia

Our team seemed to be pretty balanced, though a little heavy on magic damage. Having Warwick jungle is never a bad thing (which he did), and Zilean's life-saving abilities are unmatched by any champion out there. This was a good team composition, very promising. The enemy team was kind of scary though, with four bulky champions paired with a supreme carry in Corki (a rare sight for me). If we let them get rolling, we would be toast for sure. As for our laning assignments, Warwick took the jungle, Ashe took mid, Karthus took top, and I went bottom with Zilean. Irelia jungled for the enemy team.

Early Game
The beginning of the game was quite rough for me. We got matched up against Cho'Gath and Sion, who apparently are a great laning combo. Whenever I would go and try to poison a minion wave, I would get Ruptured and stunned right away, taking away half my health, so as a result I got very few minion kills. I was the victim of first blood when Zilean had gone back to base, and I was alone under my tower with less than two bars of health. I ended up dying two more times while laning, while Zilean died a couple times as well. Ashe went against Vladimir in mid, which was a lot of harassment back and forth with Vlad getting a couple kills on Ashe later. Karthus against Corki in the top lane was uneventful, with no kills happening between them. Warwick and Irelia didn't really do much ganking, they mostly just leveled in the jungle, showing up every once in a while to cover or push. Our bottom tower was the first to fall after one of my deaths, and laning ended after that.

Mid Game
For this section of the game, almost all of the action was concentrated at the middle of the map. They tried to push our tower several times, but nothing came of it besides a few tower diving kills for them. Corki stayed in the top lane however, and eventually took down our tower up there. A small teamfight near dragon allowed part of our team to kill their bottom tower, while taking a few of them along with it. In our retreat, they decided to push down our middle tower, starting a teamfight. We were able to kill three of them easily without any casualties, forcing them to back off. This allowed us to destroy their middle tower and shifted the momentum in our direction. We started coordinating our attacks very well, focusing each of their bulky guys down one by one until they tried to run away. We began to show our muscle at this point, particularly in a teamfight near their blue buff. We caught them all grouped up in a bush when Irelia initiated on us. Cho'Gath did pretty poorly in protecting his team, which got us an ace and their top outer tower (and confidence).

Late Game
Our dominance continued in several more teamfights, with another ace happening in the jungle near their wolves camp. They were all sitting in a bush again, and were surprised when we decided to come after them. This ace got us their middle inner tower. Soon after this, we caught them trying to sneak a Baron kill. When we showed up, they decided we were more important and promptly got themselves in a bad situation. In their retreat, we took out Baron for his buff in no time. This gave us a chance to push down several towers, along with the middle inhibitor. We went for the bottom one next, but the tower greatly aided in their cause, resulting in our team getting aced. Fortunately, they spent the free time defending their base from the incoming super minions and didn't do anything of real consequence. One Baron kill and another inhibitor later, we destroyed their Nexus at 50 minutes.

Post game scoreboard:

What I learned: 
- I'm not very good at laning...definitely the thing I'm worst at right now
- When only one person on your team builds magic resist against a team of magic damage, you are screwed
- Cho'Gath and Sion is a pretty sweet laning combination
- Global gold makes a huge difference, I think we had 3 dragon kills and 2 Baron kills, compared to none of each for them

My Score: 11/6/20
My Build: Rod of Ages, Boots of Swiftness, Force of Nature, Frozen Heart, Negatron Cloak, Blasting Wand

Current ranked record: 9-5 (0 leaves)
ELO rating: 1346

Yes I know my creep score is god awful, I feel behind early and couldn't catch up. I'm also beginning to realize that I'm pretty bad at laning in general, but manage to pull myself up a bit once thats done. Once I focused on my positioning a little bit more, I started to do much better. As always, suggestions and comments are appreciated, and thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. build a rylais. much better on singed then roa.
