Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No game today/thoughts on Nocturne

Hey guys, sorry I haven't played a game in a couple days. I've had quite a bit of homework to do, but I will definitely play one tomorrow (Wednesday). Hopefully I'll be able to duo queue and keep my winning streak alive.

I have made a couple champion purchases recently, Singed and Nocturne. I played Singed a lot during his free week last week, so buying him at 1350 IP was an easy choice. But obviously, Nocturne is the more interesting one at this point in time. I bought the Frozen Terror bundle with RP, and have used him in a few normal games so far. The results haven't been good so far, one 15 death game and another 8 death game, each with very few kills. However, I think I'm gradually getting a better feel for him, learning his chasing limits and such.

For those who don't know, he's primarily a melee dps champion, with two skills (Q, R) scaling off of attack damage and one (E) scaling off of ability power. His Q does a nice amount of damage, especially in the laning phase, and the movespeed increase is good for chasing. The attack damage increase while in the trail is also a huge bonus, as 20 bonus damage per attack (at level 1) in the laning phase is huge. His E is probably more useful though, as fear is pretty good CC. It starts pretty short, but gets up to 2 seconds at level 5. The tether range is easily kept by chasing with his Q. The passive attack speed increase with his W is fantastic (20% at level 1, 40% at 5), but I can never remember to use the spell shield in fights.

Paranoia is a great ult and probably overpowered at this point, but I've had difficulty finding good times to use it. It's obviously good for ganking, but it's more difficult to use in a teamfight, as there is a bit of delay from when you take out the enemy vision to when you can trigger the giant blink. To give somewhat of a picture of the blink's range, it is about the distance from your inhibitor to your outer tower in the same lane.

I've been building him with only AD and armor pen, as he gets enough attack speed from greaves and his W. I''ve tried jungling, but I feel like I need some armor runes to succeed at it.

That's all I have to say for now regarding Nocturne, if you have any questions leave them as comments. Once again, I'll be playing my next ranked game sometime tomorrow. Thanks for reading!



  1. Me and one of my friends did some pretty lengthy Nocturne evaluations last night. One item we sort of tried on a limb but was delighted with was Aegis of the Legion.

    Nocturne sort of has the same problem as Shaco, a lot of damage but squishy. Shaco can decieve out where as Nocturne really has to just commit to a fight. Running a build, from the jungle, of Ghostblade, Aegis, Boots, Vamp scepter, Phage then whatever else really gives him a brick of hp and a load of damage for his Q/R. Just a thought.

    Between the both of us we played around 30 games as him pulling out about 80% victory. At a point it felt like wriggles wasn't really needed since passive attack speed plus the blunt damage bonus of Q made him quite powerful. Just some thoughts though, needs more testing.

  2. Interestingly enough, Nocturne's ult changes the everyone's vision rather slowly (about 1 second to complete vision loss) and only allows the choosing of the charge after vision loss is completed. On the other hand, I've been having quite a bit of success using Shift+R spam on ult target. I have a suspicion that it removes the delay or shortens it by a small amount.
