Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ranked Game #27

One of my friends that I play LoL with often tends to get angry when he sees another player use one of his favorite champions badly. I never really understood why he did this until this game. It was so frustrating to watch a champion I usually dominate with do so badly, especially with a favorable matchup. This was a solo queue game.

I had the third pick for my team, and we had first ban:

Amumu, Nocturne, Zilean, Shen


Sion, Teemo
Nidalee, Akali
Taric, Mordekaiser
Caitlyn, Singed

I thought this team was going to be great. Huge map presence with mushrooms, a pair of long stuns and the most annoying tank out there. I was also excited to play Taric, as I normally do very well with him. The potential for a double stun lane was also something to look forward to. Unfortunately they happened to have two great tanks, one of which is a great jungler. The rest of the team was pretty darn squishy though, along with easily being countered with focused fire. Given that, I felt like we had the advantage going into the loading screen.

Lane Matchups
Top: Mordekaiser vs Nidalee
Middle: Teemo vs Akali
Bottom: Sion, Taric vs Singed, Caitlyn
Jungle: Trundle vs Rammus

Early Game
The laning phase went the complete opposite way that I thought it would. First blood didn't happen until about 5 minutes into the game, when Akali bursted down Teemo when he stayed in at too low of a health. This happened many more times during the laning phase, it was horrible. It made me pretty angry that he couldn't handle a melee champion as Teemo, who has a long blind. He also never adapted to her by changing his approach, making me even madder. He even tried switching lanes at one point, but Akali followed him and continued to destroy him. Nidalee and Mordekaiser were pretty even up top, trading kills a couple times. We didn't end up dominating with a double stun lane like we originally thought. Getting up close was too risky with Singed flinging and poisoning all over the place combined with Caitlyn's heavy long range damage. So we only managed to get one kill with our stuns when Singed dove us. Trundle hardly ganked, even though our lane was pushed the ENTIRE time. The other lanes did need more help than we did though...not that he did a lot. Rammus came around every once in a while to pull someone out of position with his taunt, netting kills a couple times. Our bottom tower was the first to fall when I left to go shop when I shouldn't have, leaving Sion to hold the tower on his own.

Mid Game
Laning pretty much ended at that point, and all of the action was focused in the middle from that point on. They pretty much had their way with us the whole time. There were a few instances where we tried to stage offensive attacks, like in their jungle to gank, but it just ended horribly with more than half of our team dying. Teemo continued to be pretty useless and didn't buy any armor or magic resist, and Mordekaiser wasn't able to build up gold to get any either. Sion did ok for himself by getting a few kills when the enemy tower dove, but it obviously wasn't enough to make a significant impact. After a lot of futile fighting at our inner middle tower, we surrendered at 25 minutes.

Post game scoreboard:

Replay link: Ranked Game #27 - Taric

What I learned:
- Akali is pretty good at taking advantage of bad players...it was embarrassing
- Double stun lane is obviously pretty good, but it can clearly be countered
- Being able to adapt to the situation at hand is crucial to stopping an enemy steamroll...but some people are too stubborn to do so
- Junglers need to a have a presence in each lane to prevent them from being pushed, otherwise they can push without  fear

My Score: 0/3/4
My Build: Aegis of the Legion, Mercury's Treads
Summoner's Spells: Clarity, Ghost

Current ranked record: 14-13 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1273

I was excited to play Taric...only for a huge letdown. There's nowhere to go but up from here, this was just plain awful. I will play my next ranked game tomorrow night sometime. Thanks for reading.



  1. Oh god, that teemo... SO BAD.
    How can you die 11 times in 22 minutes?
    I liked when he knew the entire enemy team was in the bush yet he still walked up to it to drop a mushroom.
    Also once he teleported to a mushroom just a few steps away from his previous position.
    He could probably have walked there faster than the 3 seconds it takes to teleport.
    Also I liked how he tried to divert attention away from his own badness by pointing out how double stun lane "couldn't get a kill".

  2. lol bad luck on that game those things happen... best way is to ignore that teemo; i think it stops you form playing with them again, well at least at 1300's when there are many other players that can take there place.

  3. Unfortunately ignoring doesn't stop you from getting teamed up with them again. At least not in normal games (I got teamed up with someone I ignored once).

    Thanks for writing, please keep doing that ^^

  4. Just FYI, Akali is not an AA champ, so teemo's blind wouldn't do much to stop her.

  5. I feel, after reading your blog, that your knowledge of the game is immense, you understand all the necessary concepts and will generally apply them and you will be a very very good player in a short amount of time, all you need to do it take it back to basics and spend time working at them. CS is the single easiest and most game changing thing you can do to increase your chances of winning in solo queue. Try a custom game vs a bot in bottom lane, where your only goal is to CS, not to get a kill, and to control the lane. Hold the creeps between your tower and the river. Your objective should be to firstly attain a large amount of CS (60-80 by 10 minutes is good), to balance the wave, to take minimal damage on your tower and avoid harrasment. If no one is killed during the laning phase, it is ultimately the player with the higher CS that will win the game, it is as simple as that.
    Keep up the good work.
    Thanks for all your posts.

  6. I supposed I just consider her a bit of an AA champ to get the extra damage from her Q, but a Teemo shouldn't do that badly against anyone

  7. @ShoeFone Thanks for the praise, that would be a good idea to work on my last hitting, i'll try it out

  8. It's a general misconception that Teemo shouldn't do bad against anyone, one that started with Rainman stomping with Teemo. Not too long before that, Teemo was known to be UP, and all his weaknesses still applies. People just found a very useful niche for him, which is split pushing.

    Note that Teemo's main ability to live is based on map vision, slow, & his movement speed increase. Akali has up to three dashes with her ult, which makes Teemo's slow and movement speed increase a waste if she's already in range. Nonetheless, a bad Teemo is a bad Teemo.

    Also, getting 60-80 cs as bot lane in a solo queue with a partner that isn't you duo queue partner is ridiculous. The sum of bot lane CS should be around there, but not the individual.

    Finally, if you want to win more, I'd suggest playing a lane with higher significance in the game outcome. As bot lane's strength lies in its synergy which is hard to match up in solo queue, it is best to take 1 of "3" Solo lanes: middle, top or jungle. If you are indeed a higher caliber player or improving enough, it is fairly easy to stomp.

  9. Er, Sorry for the double post.

    I also forgot to mention the fact that bottom lane should have been an easy win with some coordination with Sion. A maximum 3.5 second duration stun should be able to own Singed. He should never be able to even get a single fling off if played right, and he will be under half HP very very quickly, losing lane dominance & subsequently being zoned.
