Monday, April 18, 2011

Ranked Game #20

My twentieth ranked game is now in the books, and I used another new champion this time. It wasn't a very good game on my part, but my team picked me up very well, especially Singed. This was a solo queue game.

I had the second pick for my team, which had first ban:

Malphite, Nocturne, Shen, Amumu


Singed, Corki
Renekton, Warwick
Katarina, Olaf
Evelynn, Mordekaiser

Our lack of range (besides me) was worrisome, but I felt better about it due to the fact that their entire team was melee, even with how little Kassadin counts as a melee fighter. I was also excited to have two great tanks in Rammus and Singed, with Rammus jungling potentially setting up awesome ganks. Olaf is deceptively powerful, and Katarina is the classic steamroller, making this a pretty solid team in my opinion. Now their team had the great potential to be annoying with Kassadin constantly blinking, Evelynn stealthing and Mordekaiser being Mordekaiser, but a little teamwork would easily shut them down and render them useless.

Lane Matchups
Top: Singed vs Renekton
Middle: Corki vs Kassadin
Bottom: Katarina, Olaf vs Evelynn, Mordekaiser
Jungle: Rammus vs Warwick

Early Game
Things got started off with a bang, as Renekton tried to dive Singed very early and got himself first blooded. He did well in his lane, but didn't push much as he just mostly farmed. Kassadin and I were even in the middle lane as we didn't kill eachother at all. However, Warwick and Evelynn tried to gank me several times, sacrificing themselves for a kill a couple times. I don't laning against Kassadin at all...I can never get kills on them. The bottom lane was complete dominance for our side. Katarina and Olaf rarely died...if at all, while absolutely destroying Mordekaiser and Evelynn. Warwick never really ganked much, and so didn't impact the laning phase very much. Rammus ganked a few times, with success, with him getting revenge on Evelynn for me in the middle. Evelynn tended to roam around the map a lot, seemingly without reason. She was able to get kills, but usually got herself killed every time. Our middle tower ended up being the first to fall even with our sizable kill lead, as they had a big minion wave and three champs all mid, while we were either healing or pushing other towers.

Mid Game
The roaming began very early, but we couldn't really push anything for a while. They ended up getting our bottom tower after a few more minutes in a four man push, which we did not contest too much. We were able to get our first turret kill in a bit of a struggle up top. It was an extended teamfight where I ended up dying, and the wave was pushed each direction a couple times. Once Singed joined the fight though, we were able to push them back and take out the tower easily. Their middle turret fell soon after while they were recovering. The momentum tipped heavily in our favor over a couple of teamfights, the first coming near their wolves camp. Three of them showed up and promptly got caught with their pants down, resulting in an easy victory. This allowed us to take out their inner middle turret. A few minutes later, we destroyed them in a teamfight near Baron, where Singed flung them out of position beautifully and got us four kills. We chased down Warwick for the ace, and demolished the inhibitor turret with the free time.

Late Game
After healing up and such, we headed to Baron to see if they would try to catch us by surprise there. One of them showed up but immediately ran, so Rammus powerballed to chase him down. In a really weird initiation that shouldn't have gone our way, we killed four of them, along with their middle inhibitor to start the heavy flow of super minions. At this point, Evelynn was trying to backdoor us so we had to scramble back to put that down. In order to prevent that from happening again, we had to pick our spot carefully to make our finishing move, to win with authority. This happened in another strange teamfight where they caught Singed and Rammus alone, but failed miserably at focusing either one of them down. The rest of our team eventually got there and wiped the floor with them, forcing a surrender at 41 minutes.


Replay link: Ranked Game #20 - Corki

What I learned:
- I wasn't ready to break out Corki, or I was too usual
- Having Evelynn roam is an interesting idea, seeing as her stun comes out of nowhere
- I haven't played Singed since they changed his ultimate, but man it's a pretty nice change
- Corki needs at least one defensive item to be able to stick his nose into anything without melting instantly

My Score: 3/7/10
My Build: Manamune, Mercury's Treads, Banshee's Veil, Phage, Sheen

Current ranked record: 11-9 (0 leaves)
ELO Rating: 1295

So there you have it, twenty games in and I'm around 1300 ELO, with 2 more wins than losses. While I obviously would have liked more wins, I will certainly take this as I gradually improve my game (while continuing to get lucky sometimes). I'll do a big overview at 25 games, as it seems like a good milestone to take an analysis from. Thanks for reading, please post comments or suggestions if you have any.


1 comment:

  1. I read this blog for fun to see if you do manage to improve given your seemingly good analyzing and good attitude. I'll pitch in a quick comment to correct you on one thing though to see if it'll push you along more.

    I main Corki is roughly a ~1500 and hoping to climb higher. Without saying much more about myself or trying to justify what I'm saying, I'd just like for you to consider that Corki actually doesn't need a "defensive" item to stick his nose in anything. Many Corki players build Trinity for the reason of better kiting, and I can see you were building it as well, but never finished. For that reason, I usually forego the Manamune. It doesn't add much to your early game or mid game, and sheen gives you plenty of mana if used correctly. I quoted the defensive item because some people do consider trinity a defensive item as it gives HP and movement speed for better kiting. Between valkyrie and trinity, you don't really need any other defensive item to stick your nose into anything, given that the other team isn't fed of course.
